Here's how to keep the rock pine trees from dying during the summer monsoon. First, lay gravel on the floor to raise it. Then, raise it by about 10cm with sand or sand mixed with topsoil. Then, if you plant rock pine trees, they will be immune to the summer monsoon. Yongseol invites you to the band '♡Dream Garden♡ Rock pine, succulents, wild flowers, pretty gardens, country houses, stone carving, water stones, garden interiors, landscaping, ponds, flowers'. https://band.us/n/a2a655OeO1Z5W You can search for the band name and join. From Yongseol TV Anseong Rock Pine Delivery Contact information is managed by dividing it into fields. Ask Yongseol Delivery to send you a photo by phone. Contact Kim Seon-hee, Director 010-2057-1650 Yongseol's On-site sales (visit after calling) Gyeonggi-do Anseong-si Juksan-myeon Jangwonnamsan 1-gil 98-10 010-2676-0794 Yongseol TV Yongseol's Direct (Consultation) Rock Pine Consultation 010-8759-0794 #RainySeasonRockPine #PlantingRockPine #Yongseol's