In a captivating exchange, Elena recounts her spiritual journey and her experiences of alien abductions. She describes the awakening of humanity, begun twenty years ago, through past lives on other planets, the rediscovery of human capacities and the liberation from religious and governmental manipulations. Rescued by the Galactic Federation after abductions by the "Greys", Elena details advanced technologies, such as teleportation and magnetic motors, suggesting that some modern innovations could come from reverse engineering UFOs. Find the series of Mystères: https://www.ntvmedia.fr/les-mysteres-... • ???? NTV, it's more than 2 million views per week! Go in front of the camera: https://chilipepper.io/form/insane-br... •???? NTV Shop: https://www.ntvmedia.fr/boutique-ntv/ • ???? Find our similar shows: https://www.ntvmedia.fr/ • ???? Browse our shows with the NTV MAG: https://www.ntvmedia.fr/le-mag-ntv/ • ???? Production: NTV Media Director: Gaëtan Emeraux Editor: Éric Fauguet Editing: Gaëtan Emeraux Instagram: / ntvmediafr Facebook: / ntvmediafr TikTok: / ntvmedia.fr