The reason radishes become hollow and black is due to a lack of boron. When fertilizing, you must add boron and calcium. This is so that the radishes are firm and do not become hollow. Also, you can prevent these symptoms by applying boron and calcium foliar fertilizer from the middle of the crop season. This year, due to the heat wave and soft rot, many problems occurred, such as radishes becoming hollow, soft, and cracked. These problems can be solved by watering them properly and controlling diseases and pests. The reason radishes are small When the radishes grow tall and tall due to frequent rain, reduce nitrogen fertilizer, apply potassium phosphate and potassium sulfate as top dressing, apply foliar fertilizer, and apply calcium. This will suppress the growth of radishes and make them larger. #radish farming #vegetable garden farming #radish growing Sumbijae blog https://blog.naver.com/woosukie