✨Support Knowledge Sang Channel / @Knowledge Sang Hello! This is Knowledge Sang, where we fill a table with the information you need in life. Today, we invited Director Park Yong-woo to talk about how to lose weight healthily. If you found the video helpful, subscribe!! If you enjoyed the video, please press the like button! #KnowledgeSang #Diet #DirectorParkYong-woo 00:00 Instead of blood pressure medication, take this, hyperlipidemia disappears and blood sugar levels plummet! 12:22 Instead of walking, take this, your pot belly disappears and you become a person who doesn't gain weight! 27:38 Fatty liver gone! '3' foods that help you lose belly fat quickly and quickly 📙 Director Yongwoo Park's [My Body Revolution] Yes24: https://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/1... Kyobo Bookstore: https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detai... Aladdin: https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduc... ※ This video is content created to promote health and cannot replace the medical opinion of a specialist. Please consult with a specialist to decide on accurate information. 👇 Click here if you want to gain knowledge from various channels. Knowledge Sang Naver TV: https://tv.naver.com/rankingschool Knowledge Sang Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Knowledge Sang Post: https://post.naver.com/my.naver?membe...