Light is electromagnetic radiation. It is made up of photons, which are massless particles. But we know that energy is a property of matter. That is, matter can contain more or less energy. In other words, matter can be possessed by more or less energy. But photons of light carry energy. The question is: How can light have energy but no mass? Contents 00:00 - Introduction 00:53 - Einstein's equation problem 02:03 - What is momentum? 04:22 - What is mass? 08:46 - The theory of special relativity 13:15 - Conclusion Main reference Quantum physics: Eisberg and Resnick Complementary reference https://www.wtamu.edu/~cbaird/sq/2013... Social network / prsjoao.reis Financial support - Pix key [email protected] Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / @cienciamapeada Credits I do everything myself. I accept help!!!