A woman who discovered the secret of her life by living and writing, and organized her life around writing; Adalet Ağaoğlu! When Adalet was born on October 23, 1929, in Ankara Nallıhan, as the second of four children of Hafız Mustafa and İsmet Sümer, her family named her 'Fatma İnayet'. More accurately, the midwife who delivered her gave her this name. There was also a long story behind her having a name. While her siblings Cazip became a doctor, Güner became a playwright and actor, and Ayhan became a businessman, Adalet would chart her path in writing and become a female writer who the country especially recognized for her upright stance. Adalet summarized her educational life with the following sentence: 'If it weren't for that law, I wouldn't have become a writer.' After the declaration of the Republic, many innovations were made and laws were enacted. One of these was regarding sending girls to primary school, which came out in 1933. Families who did not do this would be thrown in jail. Adalet is about to turn 5. And she didn't even have an identity card yet. She was shown at the age of 7 and this was the first step towards her school adventure. Adalet completed her primary education in Nallıhan and when the issue of continuing her education came up when primary school was finished, her mother İsmet Hanım could not bring herself to have her daughter go to another city. Thus, they moved to Ankara in 1938. Adalet enrolled in Ankara Girls High School and graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Language, History and Geography, Department of French Language and Literature in 1950 as a bright young girl. Keywords: #adaletağoğlu,#adaletağaoğlu,#adaletağaoğluworks,#adaletağaoğlufuneral,#adaletağaoğluwho is,#adaletağaoğluideaoftheday,#adaletağaoğlutodie,#adaletağaoğluaudiobook,#adaletağaoğluinterview,#adaletağaoğluatheist,#adaletağaoğlucarnationless,#adaletağaoğluworkscoding,#darzamanlaradaletağaoğlu,#adaletağaoğlubbc,#adaletağaoğlufuneral,#adaletağaoğlureligion,#justice ağaoğluisnothalal,#adaletağaoğluworksencryption,#adaletağaoğluliterarypersonality,#adaletağaoğlumemorytechniques,#adaletağaoğlulife,#adaletağaoğluno,#adaletağaoğluroadaudiostories,#adaletağaoğluspeech,#adaletağaoğluatheistmi,#adaletağaoğluyataksummary,#adaletağaoğluyatakadaletağaoğlu,#bbcradioadaletağaoğlu,#adaletağaoğlutheater,#adaletağaoğlutrt,#bbcturkishadaletağaoğlu,