Katsumi Onaka of Chiben Wakayama High School, which won the 2021 Summer Koshien, decided to walk a thorny path after meeting Ichiro. After his performance at Koshien, he received offers from strong universities, but he turned them down and went on to a public university through the general entrance exam. What led him to this decision was something Ichiro told him when he was coaching him: "Become someone who can choose a tough life." He thought that he would be able to grow more by putting himself in a tough environment. After entering university, he has been strict with himself and devoted himself to baseball, with an eye on the future. From the special program "Ichiro and three high school students" broadcast on December 24, 2023 #Ichiro #Onaka Katsumi #Chiben Wakayama ★Information about Ichiro★ Hideki Matsui and Daisuke Matsuzaka are scheduled to play [High School Baseball Women's Select Team vs Ichiro Select Team KOBE CHIBEN] Monday, September 23rd (holiday) 13:30 Game start @Tokyo Dome 🎫Ticket information here🎫 https://tickets.tbs.co.jp/ichiro2024/