In today's video we continue our walk towards the border with Mexico. I meet more hospitable people along the way, cold food is becoming a habit and the mule keeps trying to knock me over. If you liked the video, leave a like and if you are not yet subscribed, subscribe to receive the videos weekly CACHAÇA SETE CANCELAS: [https://www.araraunacachacaria.com.br](https://www.araraunacachacaria.com.br.... (COUPOM: BERRANTEIRO15) I got you a gift to open your account at Nomad now and earn up to 20 dollars cashback! That's right, up to 20 dollars for you to spend however you want! Just download the app from your app store and use the coupon BERRANTEIRO to earn your dollars in the first exchange transaction LINK: [https://www.nomadglobal.com](https://www.nomadglobal.com/) Facebook: [ / 307017342755146 ]( / 307017342755146 ) Instagram: @pedrohenriqueberranteiro You can contribute to this project, key pix: [email protected]