I want [during this Congress] to share the truths that touch me personally and I hope that the Holy Spirit will work in your hearts - Fr. Teodor Sawielewicz #TeoBańkologia 5th Polish Evangelization Congress OPEN YOUR HEART on the Internet: ❤ Facebook.com/PoloniaArchChicago ❤ www.DuchPolonii.org ❤ www.TeoBankologia.pl ❤ twitter.com/PoloniaPlus ❤ YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/5mxr5cnf --------------------------- BE AN APOSTLE OF THIS EVENT, INVITE SOMEONE AND TAKE THEM WITH YOU. #PoloniaCongress #OpenHeart #PKE2022 #TeoBankologia #WyprawaPoOwce #PolishMinistry #Polonia #PastoralCareofPolonia #PoloniaPrays #FatherTeodor #Sawielewicz (mc)