Set in 2006, Stay with me is a Chinese series from this year that tells the story of SuYu, a student who lives a simple life with his father, but faces a big change when his mother remarries, this time, to a rich man. WuBi, the son of this rich man, meets SuYu, creating an unbreakable bond ♡. I hope you like this summary very much. Here you can read the book: https://niyashangyinle.blogspot.com/2... Thank you so much for stopping by ♡. I leave you my active social networks in case you want to connect ????: ☞︎︎︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/_marebl?igshid=... ☞︎︎︎Instagram: https://www.tiktok.com/@_marebl?_t=8U... Thank you so much for watching and reading me!