I do this with parsley in the fall and harvest it all winter! Parsley for the winter ❗Subscribe so you don't miss a new video, notes and articles ❗VK video https://vk.com/video/@club184536437/all Join us! My community https://vk.com/club184536437 00:00 Introduction and conditions for growing parsley 00:55 Transplanting parsley 01:52 Caring for transplanted parsley 02:14 Caring for parsley in winter I'm on other sites. ❗Zen https://www.zen.yandex.ru/id/5e058d2d... ❗Odnoklassniki https://ok.ru/group58210092843048 ❗YouTube / @garden1 ❗RuTube https://rutube.ru/channel/23844582/pl... ❗Platform https://plvideo.ru/@gardenproductived... ❗Culinary recipes ❗Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/id/618b47e5a91e... ❗YouTube recipes / home-made kitchen I transplant parsley before frost and grow it at home on the windowsill, see how to do it in this video. • I do this with parsley in the fall and all winter... #garden #vegetablegarden #dacha #parsleyinfall #parsleyinwinter #parsleytransplant #Parsleyinwinter #harvest #growing #seedlings #seeds #doityourself #DIY #useful #flowers #flower #watering #feeding #fertilizer #biologistadvice #fertilizer #care