Hi! I decided to change my wardrobe and in this video I share with you the process. Most of my pieces are second hand ✨ For those who like bazaars/thrift stores: In Tupã/SP: Claudete's Thrift Store: at Cazuza Mall (access through the hall) Passarela da Moda Thrift Store: in Vila Marajoara GAV Bazaar: happens once or twice a year at the Santa Rita de Cássia Community Center Church Bazaar - Cominhao da Fé: on Botocudos Street Bazaar in favor of street animals: on Tamios, near Droga Raia Online thrift store: @corabrecho In São Paulo: Samburá AACD Bazaar: Vila Mariana Church Bazaar - Santo Inácio de Loyola: Vila Mariana