With the Civilization Horizon program, we summarize the flow of Eastern and Western civilizations, how they came to be today, and where this development came from and where it is going through a number of questions. Serdar Tuncer asks, Prof. Dr. Sadeddin Ökten explains. In this episode of Civilization Horizon, the main topics discussed are: Serdar Tuncer: Salih, these words cannot be lies Not everyone can be a human-shaped person Not everyone can be a person of knowledge When it is split in forty places and there is no hair, Salih Baba says so. Our Yunus says, My dear, the path of the saints is very thin, Süleyman was blocked by an ant. Why did you open the program like this, Serdar Bey? We were talking about such things. We were talking about these before the camera said recording. That's why I opened it with this. -Welcome, sir. Sadettin Ökten: Welcome, welcome. I told you not to ask about places we haven't studied. The child says we haven't studied there yet, my child, you are doing your doctorate, is there anyone we haven't studied? Serdar Tuncer: Thank you. What does a man do to get split in forty places and become hair. How will this happen? Sadettin Ökten: That 'me', that 'me', is the beginning of everything. Unless that 'me' is split in forty places and becomes hair, the 'me' cannot be salvaged. Therefore, there it is, that 'me'. I bought a goose from a woman With a long neck and a pipe Forty abdal blood dries I have boiled it for forty years but it doesn't boil. Carefree Abdal, this is shathiye. What he calls a woman is the world, what he calls a goose is the soul. He takes profit from the world. Oh my God! The rest is in our video... Come, Let's Walk Together... #SadettinÖkten #SerdarTuncer #AlBaraka #MyMecra ???? Don't Forget to Subscribe to our Channel: http://bit.ly/BeraberYuruyelim MyMecra's other playlists: ???? Biri Bir Gün Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/BiriBirGun ???? Son33 Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/SON33 ???? Listen To What Ömer Tuğrul İnançer: https://bit.ly/DinleNeyden ???? Our Own Sky İbrahim Kalın: https://bit.ly/İbrahimKalin ???? Willow Shadow Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/Sogut_Golgesi ???? Traces: http://bit.ly/izler_mymecra ???? Evocations Savaş Şafak Barkçin: https://bit.ly/Cagrisimlar ???? Let's Think Ömer Türker: https://bit.ly/BiDusunelim ???? Just Look From Here Savaş Şafak Barkçin: https://bit.ly/BideBuradanBak ???? Our Shorts Videos: https://bit.ly/Shorts_Videolerimiz ???? Such Things Happen in Movies Cem Uçan: https://bit.ly/Boyle_Seyler_Filmlerde... ???? In Search of Yunus MyMecra: https://bit.ly/Yunusun_Izinde ???? Recipe with Saliha Erdim: https://bit.ly/Saliha_Erdim_ile_Recete ???? Some Things Umut Zeybek: https://bit.ly/Bazi_Seyler ???? In 10 Questions Süleyman Mete: https://bit.ly/10Soruda ???? Eternity Caravan Bilal Kemikli: https://bit.ly/Sonsuzluk_Kervani ???? Escape Ramp Talha Gülören: http://bit.ly/kacis_rampasi ???? They Said Süleyman Aşk Knows The Language Sadettin Ökten: https://bit.ly/Suleyman_Ask_Dilin_Bil... ???? Suddenly: https://bit.ly/CatKapi ???? There Is A Problem Serdar Tuncer & Orhan Karaağaç: https://bit.ly/BiMeseleVar ???? When You Deyince The Story of a City: https://bit.ly/Deyince ???? What's the Topic? - Uğur Işılak & Serdar Tuncer: https://bit.ly/KonuNedir ???? Tell Your Trouble Hayati İnanç: https://bit.ly/DerdiniSoyle ???? Be Garip Bencileyin: https://bit.ly/soyle_garip_bencileyin ???? Success Requires a Price Nurullah Genç: https://bit.ly/BasariBedelIster ???? Road Map Yusuf Kaplan: https://bit.ly/YusufKaplan ???? Çekirdekçiler MyMecra: https://bit.ly/Cekirdekciler ???? What Does God Tell Us Yasin Pişgin: https://bit.ly/Mevla_Bize_Ne_Soyler ???? If Only You Were Here Şemseddin Bektaşoğlu: https://bit.ly/Sen_Olmasaydin ???? I Climb the Plum Branch Ahmet Özhan: https://bit.ly/CiktimErikDalina ???? Gazes Bertan Rona: https://bit.ly/Bakislar ???? To JOIN our family ???? https://bit.ly/Mymecra_KATIL You can follow us on our social media addresses below ???? Facebook: / mymecra ???? İnstagram: / mymecra ???? Twitter: / mymecra ???? Website: http://mymecra.com/ Platforms where you can follow our programs as PODCAST: ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Oz7kuV... ???? Anchor: https://anchor.fm/mymecra ???? Google Podcast: http://bit.ly/MymecraPodcast