⭐️ LIMITED Ultra Hardcore Merch - http://siryakari.store/ The sixty-first (61st) episode of the Minecraft Ultra Hardcore series! ???? My second channel - @SyrYakari ???? My third channel - @SirkaYakari ???? Instagram - / sir_yakari ???? Reddit - / siryakari ???? Twitter - / siryakari Minecraft Ultra Hardcore is a series of Minecraft on the hardest difficulty. I only have one life and my lives don't naturally regenerate, so I have to use golden apples and potions to regenerate them. My goal in this special mode is to completely finish Minecraft - defeat the Ender Dragon, the Wither and complete all the achievements! Full playlist from Minecraft Ultra Hardcore - • Minecraft Ultra Hardcore ???? Music in the video: Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com/) Epidemic Sound (https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra...) From old video games #Minecraft #MinecraftUltraHardcore #UltraHardcore