I tried to see the reaction of my mother-in-law and my husband's family if I approached them and talked to them after I ate garlic 😁 Half a prank We love you very much ❤️🤍🧡💜💓💖💗💙 Thank you for your support 🥰 And don't forget to subscribe to the channel on the following link ⬇️ / @aghyadhadeel Link to Amjad & Bushra Famliy channel 👇 / @amjadbushrafamily3510 Link to Hadeel TV channel 👇🏼 / @hadeeltv8773 Instagram ⬇️ Aghid https://instagram.com/aghyad_aljaraky... Hadeel / / hadeelaljraky Follow us TikTok ⬇️ hadeelaghyad95