I'll tell you the best kept secrets of oats You have to know this about oats #oats #benefitsofoats #propertiesofoats Oats are probably the most nutritionally interesting whole grain. It is also a very easy food to prepare both in flakes and by crushing those flakes to be able to make other types of recipes. ✦ Simple Blending Website: https://www.simpleblending.com ★ FREE RESOURCES ★ ✦ Healthy Status Check: http://bit.ly/2H9Lnrl ✦ Table of Equivalences and Measurements for Healthy Recipes: http://bit.ly/2ARJD0W ✦ “Five Days. Five Smoothies”: http://bit.ly/2KZznsd ★ ACTION PLANS ★ ✦ Cholesterol Action Plan: https://bit.ly/3gu55vM ★ CHALLENGES AND NUTRITIONAL GUIDES ★ ✦ 21-day Challenge to create a habit: https://bit.ly/2O3s3M1 ✦ Nutritional Guides: https://bit.ly/2OMUrqM ✦ Nutritional Guides Packs: http://bit.ly/3d6XTFA ✦ Nutritional Guides Subscription: https://bit.ly/2Pnzxy0 ★ I HELP YOU IMPROVE YOUR DIET ★ ✦ Nutritional Status Diagnosis: http://bit.ly/2BVWRex ✦ Learning to eat healthy plan: http://bit.ly/2uwbcu2 ✦ Nutritional plan by objectives: http://bit.ly/2FwFL9v ✦ Personalized Mentoring and Consulting: http://bit.ly/2rmIr15 ✦ Training Workshops and Experiential Workshops: http://bit.ly/2UhHOmS ★ DISCOUNTS ★ Discount Coupon: SIMPLEBLENDING ✦ VEGANMILKER - 20% OFF: https://bit.ly/2EMemTj ✦ LUVELE - 5% OFF: https://bit.ly/2MtR0C3 ✦ LECUINE - 5% OFF: http://bit.ly/2I9Ccne ✦ VITALITY4LIFE - 5% OFF: http://bit.ly/30XaPrz ✦ ZWILLING - 15% OFF: http://bit.ly/2w4iQfT ✦ CONASI - 5% OFF: http://bit.ly/2L1Lofu ✦ EL AMASADERO - 5% OFF: http://bit.ly/2Xa7TWk ✦ COMEFRUTA - 8% OFF: http://bit.ly/2CYBLOT ✦ MY PROTEIN - 40% OFF: https://bit.ly/3gYkU1m Simple Blending Discounts: http://bit.ly/33gXCLw ★ MY RECOMMENDED BASICS: http://bit.ly/2RyesPu ★ ✦ My small appliance: http://bit.ly/2rmni7l ✦ My kitchenware: http://bit.ly/2zEVyiX ✦ My healthy foods: http://bit.ly/2rpQASI ★ EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A HEALTHY KITCHEN ★ ✦ Small appliances, Kitchenware and Food: http://amzn.to/3p9uIGT ★ COLLABORATIONS WITH SIMPLE BLENDING ★ ✦ PayPal Collaborators: http://bit.ly/2KXUqeL ✦ Patreon Sponsors: http://bit.ly/2rwkaGh ★ SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL ★ ✦ Videos every day from Monday to Friday: http://bit.ly/2twYNDj ★ FOLLOW ME ON MY OTHER NUTRITION YOUTUBE CHANNELS ★ ✦ xNutricionDietetica: https://bit.ly/2QSgheV ✦ xNutricionDeportiva: https://bit.ly/3vLhYd1 ✦ xNutricionInfantil: https://bit.ly/3nMaoMg ★ FOLLOW ME ON MY NETWORKS SOCIAL ★ ✦ Instagram: http://bit.ly/2uuWp4f ✦ Facebook: http://bit.ly/2uuW7ug ✦ Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2tm7pkR ✦ Twitter: http://bit.ly/2tblCgj ★ MY TEAM PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO ★ ✦ My Technology Team: http://bit.ly/2G0cCWk ★ MY STORE ★ ✦ MRPAPIER: My Photography and Video Backgrounds: http://bit.ly/2UfwAzc ★ WE ARE ALL SIMPLE BLENDING ★ ✦ SHARE YOUR RECIPES: Post your photo of my recipes on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag: #mirecetasimpleblending. ✦ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Leave a comment on Youtube with the hashtag: #qasimpleblending and I will answer you in a video. ★ CONTACT ★ ✦ Services and Products: http://bit.ly/2QcDGWO ✦ Company Collaborations: http://bit.ly/2BTI18M ✦ My Affiliate Program: http://bit.ly/2Sv7Xgb ★ Monica Acha: http://bit.ly/2G4tBGR ★ ✦ Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics ✦ Degree in Food Science and Technology #dietitian #nutritionist #foodtechnology