Link to the channel in Zen 👇 https://zen.yandex.ru/id/61b7af0f6f12... Link to the channel Rutube 👇 https://rutube.ru/channel/19312924 A Hyundai Tucson Comma was brought in for diagnostics and repairs with complaints that the car periodically stalls and does not start, and the first fan speed does not turn on when the air conditioner is turned on, and the fan does not turn on at full power when the engine warms up. At the previous service, the auto electrician was unable to find the cause of the malfunction and fix it. Instead, he put a jumper on the fan relay and ran a wire from the passenger compartment from the fuel pump to the underhood mounting block, to the fuel pump relay. The engine overheats, boils, and the radiator cooling fan does not turn on. And before that, they removed the alarms and removed the fuel pump power block, but this did not help, the car continued to stall and periodically fail to start. Diagnostics were done without the help of the Launch, Kingbolen, Ediag Thinkcar, Thinkdiag, Diagzone Launch, Ediag, Kingbolen and other scanners. Repair of contacts of the relay of the mounting block, repair of wiring, search for where the power on the fuel pump relay disappears. And also replacement of contacts.