In this video: How to distinguish between hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Subclinical hypothyroidism. Why do you need iodine? What to do with pain in the thoracic spine? Fragment of the seminar on applied kinesiology: "Visceral system: Vita-therapy." (working with nosodes) More about the seminar: https://school-sandal.ru/obuchenie-ki... - - - - - - - - - ★ OUR CONTACTS ★ ★Vkontakte: https://vk.com/schoolsandal ★Website: https://school-sandal.ru ★Instagram: / kkpk.ru ★Make an appointment: https://kinezio-sandal.ru ★Address: Krasnodar, st. 40 years of Victory 172/1, 4th floor ★Phone, WhatsApp: +7 964 930 0030 ★E-mail: [email protected]