HunterBeat is an innovative musical project that fuses the musical traditions of the Wassoulou region with a modern rearrangement approach. The artisans of this initiative are Nfaly Diakite, Donso Ngoni virtuoso, and Drissa Bagayogo, seasoned percussionist, both from the Wassoulou region. Together, they set out to rediscover and re-arrange the rich musical heritage of the hunters, in order to revitalize it and present it in a contemporary way. HunterBeat's goal is to reveal the beauty and richness of Wassoulou's traditional music while breathing new life into it through innovative arrangements and modern sonorities. Nfaly Diakite and Drissa Bagayogo bring their expertise and passion to this project, thus offering an authentic musical experience. HunterBeat thus embodies the fusion between ancient traditions and contemporary creativity, creating a bridge between the musical past and present of the Wassoulou region. ©️Nicolas Remene