Cannes, April 7, 2015. Gabriel Marino receives a call from his neighbor Suzanne Bailly, 85 years old. But that day, she is not in her normal state: she feels bad, speaks incoherently. Gabriel immediately goes to the home of the old lady, whose health is rapidly deteriorating. While waiting for help, he pours himself a glass of mineral water. And a few minutes later, he too feels dizzy and almost collapses. The two friends are taken to the hospital. Tests are carried out and the result is clear: they have been poisoned with atropine. In the kitchen of the friendly grandmother, investigators discover a bottle of water. Tests reveal the presence of a high dose of the poison. Who had an interest in poisoning the pensioner? Apparently no one because, in the residence, she was appreciated by everyone. However, one man will attract suspicion: Olivier Cappelaere, 45 years old. Suzanne sold him her apartment as a life annuity: he will only own it when the old lady dies and in the meantime, he pays her nearly a thousand euros each month, a significant sum for this salesman in financial difficulties. Described as a friendly and considerate man, Olivier Cappelaere seems above suspicion. However, two years earlier, the suspect met Jacqueline Imbert, another isolated 92-year-old woman. She died suddenly after leaving him all her possessions. The coincidence is disturbing. Director: Sophie Hamza