What is attention deficit and how does this disorder manifest itself in children? How do we tell the difference between a child with attention deficit disorder and another who is simply energetic? What factors can increase restlessness and attention deficit in children? In a new episode of the Parents CuMinți podcast, Q&A edition, Oana Moraru and Simona Gherghe give answers to parents' biggest dilemmas. We will find out how we can manage attention deficit in children, what are the main myths and truths about this disorder and what are the most effective techniques. Find out what autism is and how it develops caused by children's early exposure to screens. Episode supported by: 👉 https://magneziubisglicinat.ro/ 0:00 - Intro 3:25 - What is attention deficit and how does it manifest itself in children? 6:20 - How can we tell the difference between attention deficit and explosive energy? 8:50 - Attention deficit and anxiety 9:53 - Attention deficit and sleep and learning disorders 11:53 - How can a kindergarten child with attention deficit be detected? 16:22 - "Early exposure to screens induces screen autism." 22:40 - What's behind blinking in children 27:10 - Typology of the overexcited child 31:40 - The role of boredom and the skills of the intelligent child 34:40 - The child's explosive energy. How we manage it 41:04 - Techniques and solutions for cultivating attention in children 45:40 - Attention disorders. When do we need a specialist? 47:40 - Medical prescriptions for attention deficit in the West 50:11 - The first case of attention deficit in history 52:40 - Techniques for attention deficit in children: silent play and meditation 54:40 - Shadow play for attention deficit attention to children 56:50 - Principle of reward. How to develop our children's resilience 1:03:40 - Why do children bite and hit 1:08:45 - What to do when the child says he can't anymore 1:14:01 - Olina Ortiz's books that build children's patience between 0 -3 years old #zunivers #podcast #PărințiCuMinți SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE ZUnivers PODCASTS: 🟩 https://bit.ly/Subscribe_ZUnivers ZUnivers Podcasts ONLINE: 🟩 Website - https://ZUnivers.radiozu.ro 🟩 SPOTIFY - https://spoti.fi/3hcMbzK 🟩 YOUTUBE - / @zuniverspodc. . 🟩 FACEBOOK - / zunivers.pod. . 🟩 INSTAGRAM - / zunivers.po. . Oana Moraru ONLINE: 🟩 / oneamonic 🟩 / oanamoraru_educational Simona Gherghe ONLINE: 🟩 / simgherghe 🟩 / simgherghe