《Happy People Live Simply》 Written by Oki Sachiko│Translated by Jeong Ji-young│From Books ☞ Book Information https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduc... The latter half of your life is determined by the habits you have developed so far. It would be nice if you have lived with good habits so far, but it is okay if you cannot get rid of bad habits. From now on, you can live a more fulfilling life with a little effort and determination. It is about thinking about whether there is a way to make your current lifestyle a little easier and simpler, regardless of the environment or information. It starts with reducing unnecessary items and simplifying the organization of household chores, and moves on to simplifying time, money, health, mind, and human relationships. In other words, it is about making life simpler in all areas of life. By doing this, you can actually live a richer and more vibrant life. In an era where information is overflowing, convenient tools are available, and more unnecessary items are scattered everywhere in the house, and even our lifestyles have become complicated and hectic, we cannot live without the richness of our hearts. True happiness comes from a simple life. A simple life is what makes your body and mind healthy in old age. The book I will introduce today is "Happy People Live Simply". This book contains a lifestyle and way of thinking that makes all aspects of life simple, including money, time, relationships, housework, and things. #Minimalism #Simplification #TrueHappiness #Lifestyle #SimplificationofLife #WomanReadingBooks #Audiobooks #ReadingBooksForYou