It's a heated social media drama between monks and laypeople teaching Dhamma, which has now escalated into a big issue. "Phra Maha Uthen" previously criticized the teaching of Dhamma by "Ajarn Beer, the Dhamma Trancer", saying that his teachings deviated from the Tripitaka and that he used vulgar and inappropriate language. "Phra Maha Uthen" is also one of the Avengers monks. #DhammaTrancer #AjarnBeer #PhraMahaUthen #PhraMahaUthenPanyaParithat #LawyerAnanchai #LawyerArmyofDhamma #AnanchaiChaidet #SarcasticMonk #AjarnBeerDrama #NoManners #PhraThira #MonkClimbingPillars #ExposingTheSanghaCulture #SantiSathithamVipassanaCenter #Trend of people who are excited about Dhamma #Sangha #Loss #Tipitaka #Challenge to debate #Wat Suan Kaew #Drama #Entertainment #Celebrities #topdara Follow the movement from TOP DARA on another channel YOUTUBE : / @topdara FB TOP DARA : / topdaraent IG : / topdara_official Tiktok : www.tiktok.com/@topdara_official TW TOPDARA : / topdaraofficial