↓Subscribe here! https://bit.ly/2Nr02U6 How to Use a Microwave│POLI Safety Class│Cartoon for Babies│Robocar POLI TV In the city of Vroom City, people and cars live in perfect harmony. The cars of the rescue team help all the people in danger with the help of their friend. ⓒ 2023. ROI VISUAL / EBS All right reserved. #robocarpolifrancais #robocarpoli #poli #roy #ambre #rhymes #anime #animation #baby #mom #cartoon #children #animals #videos #cailloufrançais #baby #stream #learn #learn #learning #cailloufrançais #christmassong #cartoons #sportstraining #nurseryrhyme #drawing #nurseryrhyme #forlittlepeople #lamodedeparis #cartoonforkids #educationalcomic