HOW TO UNLOCK AN ULTRA FEARFUL DOG... with Barry, 10 months old. Barry has a phobia of humans, but especially men. He comes from Sicily, spent his childhood mistreated by a man who left him on a concrete slab, without knowing the outside world. Since adoption (about 1 month 1/2) in France, it has been impossible to approach him easily without him having an attitude of fleeing and hiding, or even growling (growled at a child who approached him) Despite the apparent difficulty, a dog can quickly improve, provided that you understand the problem, have the right approach, in order to restore his confidence to serve as a guide and extricate him from his phobia which is suffocating him. In cases of phobia, it is strongly recommended to quickly call on a dog trainer, so that inappropriate behaviors do not consolidate. ##dogeducation #humanphobia #fearfuldoghumans #fearfuldog #Levens