Chatting with Serena, an Italian girl who has been living in Perth, Australia for 5 years. Serena moved with a Working Holiday Visa and embarked on a journey full of challenges and opportunities. She worked mainly in the restaurant industry, reinventing herself several times along the way. During the interview, Serena told us how she faced personal difficulties and how she fell in love with this extraordinary country, with a culture very different from Europe. Serena explained to us in detail how the Working Holiday Visa works and provided an overview of the various visas available, such as the Student Visa, the Work Visa, and the Skill Visa. We discussed the main work sectors, the Australian lifestyle, daily challenges, and many other useful information for anyone interested in living in Australia. 0:10 Moving to Australia 5:00 How the Working Holiday Visa works 9:10 What documents are needed to apply for the WHV 13:00 What types of jobs can you do with the WHV 20:00 Work culture in Australia 24:00 Other types of visas and jobs 31:00 Life in Perth 34:00 The difficulties he faced 36:00 Cultural differences 45:00 Top tips ---------- Follow me on Instagram to stay updated: / viaggiareperilmondoconenrico Follow Serena / iamserenatoselli https://stan.store/Serena_Toselli --------- My name is Enrico, I'm from Trieste. I've been traveling and living abroad for 4 years. I lived two years in New Zealand, one year in Australia, one year as a volunteer in Lithuania and another year in Portugal (Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs) This channel is a personal project, where I share information about New Zealand and all the opportunities for work, study or travel with European Mobility projects (Erasmus Plus) to inspire young people who are eager to change their lives by moving abroad.