In today's lesson we will see the steps to get started improvising on the guitar, we will talk about the first scales you should learn, how to study them and how to start improvising. Now, if you want to go from novice to Pro when improvising you can watch this lesson: • 3 steps to go from novice to PRO when... This guitar improvisation class is divided into three segments, in the first we will talk about the four scales that you should master, the major scale, the minor scale and their respective pentatonic scales. We can consider this scale vocabulary as basic; however, since most pieces are composed using this language, knowing and mastering it will be of great help to us, here the important thing will be to learn to play in the twelve major and minor tones. In the second segment we will talk about how to study these scales, whether you do it from the fingering or if you prefer to do it from the location and knowledge of the notes of the scale. Personally, I prefer to use the note and location system, it is a longer process, but the result allows you to move around the instrument freely, so I suggest you try it, be patient, the path here is longer, but it is worth the effort. Finally, we will see the importance of phrasing and how we can begin to study it, how we can differentiate what we do to give a more musical sense to our improvisation on the guitar. This is the most important thing about improvisation on the guitar, it does not matter how many scales you know, if you cannot organize an idea, a motif, a phrase you are not doing anything, for this, understanding improvisation as a conversation can be an incredible resource to achieve it. I hope this lesson about improvisation on the guitar is to everyone's liking, I leave you a list with related videos so you can explore more about this topic. Improvisation is an art, being able to create on the fly, being spontaneous, what we seek with this list is to give you the basic tools to understand this resource and thus be able to exploit it and enjoy it. • Introduction to improvisation Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro... #guitarclasses #guitarist #guitar