Title: How to start FACIAL HARMONIZATION? Description: Many Harmonization Professionals come to me with this doubt and ask for my help so that I can give them some guidance. And when they come to talk to me, they report that sometimes they get frustrated because they are not able to achieve success in the harmonization... Many of them take several trendy courses such as, fine nose, double chin liposuction, bichectomy, etc. But what I always tell them and in my consultations I always say is about the basics, the secret is ORGANIZATION, organization in Facial Harmonization is fundamental! It is necessary to understand this ORGANIZATION and do things in order, let's imagine a pyramid, let's start by placing other Harmonization procedures on the sides, and the main one at the TOP. And what is the main one, Doctor? Botulinum Toxin! So Botulinum Toxin is the key to recurrence and to success in Facial Harmonization, what many professionals do not understand is that it is a recurrence and there must be a technique to apply it, and follow the pillars of loyalty! Dr. Ana Elisa Pawlenko. Dentist CRO: 4808 LEGAL NOTICE: The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace a consultation with a professional. The videos are educational in nature and are produced according to the experience of Dr. Ana Elisa Pawlenko, in the observation of the daily clinic, practice with patients, experience as a teacher and consultant in the area of facial harmonization, in addition to published scientific studies. ???? Learn more about The Pillars of Patient Loyalty and What is the stability cycle of a harmonization clinic. https://www.harmonizacao.com.br/inscr... Watch this video to understand more. VIDEO LINK: • How to start in FACIAL HARMONIZATION? ✅ WATCH MORE VIDEOS ABOUT: BOTOX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLAYLIST: • BOTOX See our channels: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Facebook: http://bit.ly/perfilFace Instagram: http://bit.ly/perfilInsta Telegram: https://t.me/especialistasemharmonizacao YouTube: / @draanaelisapawlenko 02:25 ✅ Did you like this video? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ✍️ Leave your comment ???? Share with friends ⭕ FACIAL HARMONIZATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you are a health professional and do facial harmonization you have to subscribe to this channel! Platysma Muscle LINK: • NECK - Do you know how to treat the Pla... Humanized Care LINK: • PAINLESS - Humanized Care in the S... Questions about Neck LINK: • PLATISMA - LEARN ABOUT THE CERVICAL REGION...