Welcome to another video from Cantando com Manu. In this video, you will understand the relationship between air and force and from there, you will be able to sing the notes smoothly without any flaws in your voice, or even get your voice out of your throat once and for all. Leave your questions, comments or suggestions so that our videos are even better. ======================================================== Join my email list and receive my free materials, stay up to date with the dates and times of the lives and much more: http://aulasmanucavalaro.manucavalaro... ========================================================== Instagram- http://bit.ly/2SJizfe Website- http://manucavalaro.com.br/ Facebook- / manucavalaro ============================================================ Check out my online courses: Voice Week- http://bit.ly/2U6Tcke Singing in Rhythm- http://bit.ly/2NIRQKT Singing with Manu- http://bit.ly/33eDacA