You know that chat that often remains on the back of tight dresses or blouses? Learn how to remove that slack of fabric on the back using the lordosis dart =========================================================== ➡️ https://atelienasuacasa.com.br ➡️ https://atelienasuacasa.com.br/cadern... ➡️ https://go.hotmart.com/R53842043O?dp=1 (SUPER COMPLETE SKIRTS COURSE - more than 17 models) CLICK AND DISCOVER ============================================================= THE SEWING ATELIER IN YOUR HOME! Do you want to start sewing and don't know how? Do you want to deepen your knowledge of flat modeling, cutting, sewing and finishing techniques? Let me help you! This channel was made for you who like cutting, sewing and want to learn the secrets of flat tailoring modeling. The Monica Sanches Teaching Studio offers in-person and distance learning classes on sewing modeling. But there are also online courses found on the website below. Click on the link and check it out! Link: https://atelienasuacasa.com.br How to remove slack in the back - lordosis dart. On this website above you will find all the courses offered by the Teaching Studio. There are courses for those who are starting out and for those who want to improve in modeling and sewing. JOIN THE ATELIER'S WHATSAPP QUESTIONS GROUP (16)981828104 or click directly on the link below. https://chat.whatsapp.com/GjmEAaLF0MU... / modeloplana ACCESS THE FACEBOOK PAGE and stay up to date with the news.