Exploring the 7 Heavens and Their Inhabitants in Islam In this video, we will explore the concept of the 7 heavens and their inhabitants as explained in the Quran and Hadith. The spiritual journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during Isra' Mi'raj revealed the existence of these heavens and his encounters with the previous Prophets. Let us explore each of the heavens and discover the wisdom hidden behind them. Each heaven has its own uniqueness and noble inhabitants. This video will bring you closer to understanding the structure of the universe according to Islam and the important role of the Prophets in the history of faith. Watch and reflect with us. #7Heavens #IsraMi'raj #InhabitantsoftheHeavens #Islam #Quran #Hadith #IslamicStories #ProphetStories #IslamicHistory #InhabitantsofHeaven #InhabitantsoftheHeaven #Doyancerita