Hey guys! Today you're going to learn how to play this top-notch Modão Sertanejo Raiz potpourri. Easy and no slack. - Get 50 simplified chords in PDF and help the channel to continue with the videos and always improve! Click here: https://www.lucasmariani.com.br/cifras/ - Become a barbecue owner now: https://www.lucasmariani.com.br/donos/ New course for beginners to learn from scratch or improve! How to Play Fio De Cabelo - @chxoficial How to Play Telefone Mudo - @trioparadadura How to Play A Chalana If you liked it, remember to leave a like and a comment, subscribe to the channel too, okay?? Follow me on Instagram: / lucasmariani_violao Guitar lesson: Pout pourri, how to play a silent phone, how to play a hair string, how to play the chalana, simplified, without barres, easy Hair string chord, silent phone chord, chalana chord #HowToPlay #PoutPourri #Modão