Become a Unity game developer at SkillFactory: https://go.skillfactory.ru/ovyTsw Discounts up to 45% with promo code WOLF until 02/28/2023 Support on Boosty and get into the chat: https://boosty.to/edvardwolf TWITCH CHANNEL: / about STREAM CHANNEL: / @edvardwolfstream Support on Patreon: / edvardwolf Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/edva... AlfaBank card - 2200 1505 3079 9292 VK group: https://vk.com/public174121399 I'm on VK: https://vk.com/id517379384 TELEGRAM CHANNEL - https://t.me/edvardwolfchannel Oldfag's Tears for Warcraft 3 are ready! It took me a long time to make them because of the New Year holidays and the wedding, then I was sick for another week - in general, the whole set. Enjoy watching! The video uses original music from the game. The characters' voices were imitated using the Silero TTS telegram bot - https://t.me/silero_voice_bot 0:00 - Introduction and first acquaintance 14:47 - History of creation 23:22 - Revolution in the genre 30:52 - General mechanics 37:01 - Factions 40:34 - Alliance 44:27 - Horde 49:07 - Undead 53:35 - Night Elves 58:40 - Plot 1:13:58 - Significance