00:00 Foreign Body Aspiration 00:49 PARTIALLY OCCLUSION PERSON 01:24 COMPLETELY OCCLUSION PERSON 01:47 COMPLETELY OCCLUSION ADULT MODEL APPLICATION 03:09 APPLICATION ON A COMPLETELY OCCLUSION CHILD (AGES 1-8) 04:24 APPLICATION ON A COMPLETELY OCCLUSION BABY (AGES 0-1) 06:44 CLOSING SPEECH What should be done in case of an object stuck in the trachea? Foreign body aspiration is more common in childhood and can result in death. According to statistics, 7 percent of accidental deaths in babies are caused by foreign objects stuck in the trachea. Food pieces, candies, small toys, metal coins, beads, pen caps, market bags and balloons are the most common materials that cause choking in young children. In particular, putting food in the mouth of children while they are talking, crying or walking increases the risk of this food getting stuck in the trachea. How should we intervene in children and babies who have a foreign object stuck in their throat as first aid? First of all, we need to determine whether the blockage is a complete blockage or a partial blockage. A person with partial blockage can cough, breathe and speak. A person with complete blockage cannot cough, speak, breathe and turns blue. As long as the coughing continues in a person with partial blockage, they should definitely not be hit on the back or intervened. They are encouraged to cough. Maybe they can be trained a little more and made to continue coughing. However, if they no longer have the strength to cough and their consciousness has deteriorated, then the person can be bent down and their back can be hit 5 times. Complete blockage is of critical importance. Rapid intervention is required. A person with complete blockage cannot cough, speak, breathe and starts to turn blue, their eyes seem to pop out of their sockets. In this case, the person leans down and is hit between the two shoulder blades with the heel of our hand 5 times hard and sweepingly. If the foreign object is not removed, we should press the abdomen with our fist, which we call the Heimlich maneuver, 5 times. If it still is not removed, we continue with the back 5 times, and the Heimlich maneuver 5 times. Until when does the object come out, until the ambulance arrives or until we get tired. So what do we do if the object is not removed, the person falls to the ground and loses consciousness. Of course, basic life support.