Me, Lesha Koresh, Vlad Ragovskiy, Sabina, Shah, Andrey Kokoshka, Danon, Stopban and Yarik Dilblin got together to repeat the most viral memes from all over the Internet and compete to decide who did it better. ----------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to my community and watch my episodes in VK Video: https://vk.cc/cGvx95 Watch the new episode of the show 100k1 - https://vk.cc/cGFunA -------------------------------------- ORIGINALS of memes and VOTING will be here. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ❗️MY TELEGRAM - https://t.me/paradeevich ❗️ -------------------------------------- Team 1 Koresh - https://t.me/koreshzy Paradeevich - https://t.me/paradeevich Vlad Ragovsky - https://t.me/GABARITVLAD Team 2 Andrey Kokoshka - https://t.me/mister_kokoshka2 Shah Sosa - https://t.me/shakhlovesosa Sabina - https://t.me/krosovkapoteryalsya Team 3 Danone - https://t.me/danoneflex Stopban - https://t.me/stopbaba Dilblin - https://t.me/dilbliin