00:00 Introduction 00:20 First Order in power? 01:10 Hux's smiley face 02:33 Hux's mother 03:25 The towers 04:53 Rian Johnson's laziness 05:37 Incompetence 08:17 Suggestion for improvement 09:38 Respect for superiors 11:13 End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Justice: / @deadjustice Fan Wars: • Fan Wars Bomber Video: • STAR WARS: The last Jedi Bomber - The... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why Star Wars 7 is the cheapest copy. (incl. evidence) • STAR WARS: The Force Awakens is a... The Lie of the Leads: • Why Episode 7 is full of liars and cheats... How Disney bought SW: • How Disney bought Lucasfilm - The story... @EliasMoviePlanet / @eliasmovieplanet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #StarWars #Disney #Episode 8 #rianjohnson #thelastjedi #glassonion