The method of curing meat from different animals with salt began many centuries ago to preserve food, and is still used today all over the world. Dried meats have a special flavor and are highly appreciated and used in the preparation of various dishes in Brazilian cuisine. They give a unique flavor to a variety of dishes, such as Escondidinho and the traditional Brazilian feijoada. Therefore, if you want to make an authentic feijoada with a lot of flavor, you need to use different cuts of quality dried meat: beef and pork. And in this video, I show you how to make dried meat at home, in a simple, easy and cheaper way, so you will save a lot on the ingredients for your feijoada. And if you want to know the difference between dried meat, sun-dried meat and charque, watch this video until the end and check it out. I will dehydrate different meats to make a complete feijoada. This technique of curing meats using salt was used in the past for preservation purposes, when there was no refrigeration, this ensured that they would last much longer. Since 75% of the composition of meat is water, with the addition of salt the protein begins to expel the liquid part, so with less water in its composition, the preservation of the food will be greater. And another thing that happens with the reduction of the liquid in meats is the change in flavor, as it becomes more concentrated, resulting in tastier meats, the same occurs when we reduce a sauce, because the less water the greater the concentration of flavor. Complete Feijoada: • Complete Feijoada Anywhere ... Farofa: • How to Make the Best Farofa Perfect ... Rice for feijoada: • How to make rice for feijoada fast ... Cauliflower: • Sautéed Kale Perfect for Feijoada Social networks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Twitter: @Cozinha_Afora Reddit: u/cozinha-mundo-afora