See how to make your raffle or draw to earn some extra money. ► BEST DIGITAL MARKETING COURSE ON THE INTERNET, ON SALE: https://bit.ly/ganheMuitoDinheiro _______________________________________________________________________ It's very simple to make your personalized raffle using Microsoft Word. With a few steps you can already make your draw to sell and earn some extra money. In this video you will use the text tools, text box, alignment, image, border style, etc... HERE IS THE LINK TO THE WORD FILE FOR YOU! ♥ https://diegophotoshop.blogspot.com/2... ► Donations to help the channel: PIX key [email protected] Instagram @diegomendes257 ► Check out our playlist with a free Microsoft Word course: • Microsoft Word 2016 Course - In progress Thank you guys. If you liked this video, leave your like and subscribe to the channel. Hugs and see you next time! #raffle #draw #word