???? Carnival Promotions - Discounts up to 50% until 02/26/2023: https://www.burgoseletronica.com.br/ ???? New Course - Power Amp Schematics 04/06/2023 - 05/06/2023 - Classes on Thursdays from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm - R$200.00 Pagseguro: https://pag.ae/7Z4ZaaeKs Mercado Pago: https://mpago.la/2cyN2cN ✔ Members - R$100.00 - Password and links in the members area ✔ First 7 - You can send the schematic you want to study!! ✔ 10 Schematics for study, handout and certificate of completion ✔ Enrolled participants participate in a group on Telegram to receive material and clarify doubts. ✔ You can also pay via PIX or deposit: ✔ PIX: [email protected] ✔ Deposit: Bradesco Ag. 3003-1 CC. 139973-0 Beneficiary Burgoseletronica Ltda Caixa Econômica Federal Ag 1368 Operation 013 Account 7756-5 Beneficiary Luis Carlos Burgos ???? 4 E-books Operation and Repairs of the BN44-00704E Source = R$50.00 Pagseguro: https://pag.ae/7YLKHUY11 Mercado Pago: https://mpago.la/2sk4zmm ???? Burgoseletronica E-books (including those of the 704E source) R$150.00 Pagseguro: https://pag.ae/7YX_visQu Mercado Pago: https://mpago.la/1qjpBgA ???? Purchase our courses and teaching materials: https://www.burgoseletronica.com.br/ http://www.lojaburgoseletronica.com.br/ ???? Donations to o Channel: PIX: [email protected] Deposit: Bradesco Ag. 3003-1 CC. 139973-0 Beneficiary Burgoseletronica Ltda Caixa Econômica Federal Ag 1368 Operation 013 Account 7756-5 Beneficiary Luis Carlos Burgos Falstad Simulator: http://www.falstad.com/circuit/circui... ✔ AFR ATTEN 975 Pro Station: https://www.loja-afr.com.br/soldagem/... ???? Become a member of this channel and earn benefits: / @burgoseletronica05 ???? Support the channel and earn benefits: https://apoia.se/burgoseletronica ???????????????????? Link to the Burgoseletronica Group on Whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GAhk8fYmeOt... Easy Electronics Channel: / eletronicafácil Newton C Braga Channel: / institutoncbnewtoncbraga Space Electronics Channel of Natal: / eletronicaespacialdenatal Demainfo Channel - Valdemar Gomes: / demainfo ???????????????????????????????????????? Our business partners: http://www.esquemafacil.com.br http://www.clubedotecnicobrasil.com.br Be a member of this channel and get benefits: / @burgoseletronica05 Whatsapp: (11) 92006-5996 Instagram: @burgoseletronica Our business partners: http://www.esquemafacil.com.br http://www.clubedotecnicobrasil.com.br