In essence, what I would like to highlight with this video is that I believe there is a difficulty in the practical implementation of Latin metrical reading in universities. Specifically, the difficulty arises when one finds oneself having to read without first being able to divide the text into syllables or accent it. In this video I would like to provide my personal experience, which in my case allowed me to pass the Latin exam completely self-taught. Second video: • Self-taught Latin metrics - summary... DIVISION INTO SYLLABLES: http://brankaleone.free.fr/LatinLover... SANDHI: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandhi BASIC PRINCIPLES OF METRIC SCANNING: http://www.latinovivo.com/autori/teor... LATIN METRICS HANDBOOK (rules and exceptions): https://www.uniba.it/docenti/lagioia-... LATIN METRICS VIDEOS TO HEAR THE READING: • How to read Latin and Greek metrics My instagram account: / tommasobenecchi