How to learn 8 languages easily with the narration of Turkish Polyglot İclal Dağcı? The easiest ways to learn a language on your own at home, what is a polyglot? What are polyglot language learning techniques? İclal, who learned 8 foreign languages without going abroad and knows Turkish, Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, what should we do to become a polyglot? How to study a foreign language? Why did I learn these languages? Why can't we learn a language? Learning a foreign language from a polyglot's perspective and tips. Are listening, speaking, writing, reading, grammar important? Is there any trick or secret to learning a language quickly? She shares all this information with you in this video. To Add Subtitles ► https://goo.gl/TFMtzj İclal's Youtube Channel: / %c4%b0claliano Subscribe to My Channel ► / fatiholfaz Follow My Page ► / fatih_olfaz For Coaching and Collaboration ► [email protected] Hello, I am LGS coach Fatih Olfaz. I produce content for guidance, coaching and motivation on my channel. I also serve as an online LGS education and exam consultant to all of Turkey. #foreignlanguage #polyglot #education