A detailed "Guide to Increasing Profits for Clinics and Medical Centers" is available in our knowledge base in telegram https://t.me/PaperPlanesInfo_bot The second part of the video • How to increase revenue for a medical c... We are opening a series of materials dedicated to the "6 Growth Levers" model. The video will discuss the application of the model for companies in the medical industry: medical centers. "6 Growth Levers" is a model that the Paper Planes agency uses when helping its clients manage changes in an organization. Over 12 years, we have accumulated vast experience working with healthcare institutions, network and non-network clinics. In the video, we analyze the main challenges facing medical centers and show a method for responding to them. Paper Planes Cases on Medical Marketing Article by Maxim Borisov “Problems of Medical Center Growth: How to React to Them” Managing changes means consistently implementing 6 steps: 1. Assess the current financial model 2. Identify key tools for interacting with clients 3. Optimize the company’s business processes for client tasks 4. Rebuild the organizational structure 5. Set up HR policies 6. Automate processes. 0:00 Calls from medical centers 9:00 Profit formula 16:18 Patient logistics 21:50 MIS, CRM and processes 30:03 Clinic brand VS Doctor brand Our website: https://paper-planes.ru More than 30 training programs in marketing, HR, sales and management https://academy-paperplanes.ru/ Partner contacts Ilya Balakhnin https://t.me/ilia_balahnin +7 926 592 4877 Sergey Khudovekov https://t.me/khudovekov +7 926 055 7715 Maxim Borisov https://t.me/borisovml +7916 810 6530