⭐⭐ Download your GIFT: The 7 ultra-powerful analysis keys used in neuroscience to finally understand the behavior of the avoidant person: https://systemeio-claire.systeme.io/7... ⭐⭐ How to get someone you love back? How to get someone you love back? As you know, I work on neuroscience and especially on what is related to quantum physics. When we work on quantum physics, we work on what happens at the level of the nucleus of the atom, what we call subatomic physics. Thanks to this work, we realize that it plays on physical laws that are completely different from those that govern our daily lives. This is where the famous law of attraction lies. In this video, I suggest that we see together concretely, scientifically, using the law of attraction, by soliciting quantum physics at the level of atoms and neurons: how to make the person we love come back into our life? To do this, we are going to perform a meditation with intention. We are going to use our brain, our thoughts in order to create a magnetic field, a level of energy that will touch the other person unconsciously and that will change their behavior towards you. It is extremely powerful and must be done seriously. I let you follow my instructions in this video to perform this meditation. Thanks to this meditation, you will therefore send a new energy, a new magnetic field to the person you want to see come back into your life. Do not hesitate to do this meditation several times and to keep this heart energy, this positive energy, within you. A few words about me: I am Claire Stride. I am a consultant and speaker, trained in neuroscience, specializing in atypical people, overly sensitive (hypersensitive, ultrasensitive), dys (dyslexic, dyspraxic, dyscalculic, etc.), high potentials, ASD (people with autism spectrum disorders) and ADHD... and all people who do not fit into the boxes. My support in consultation and training, based on neuroscience and neural reprogramming, covers the following areas: life as an atypical and hypersensitive person romantic fulfillment emotional well-being self-improvement the power of the feminine I am also an author. My first book is called "Fully Me: Hypersensitive, Different and It's Cool!", with a preface by Alexandre Cormont. To discover it, it's here: https://www.amazon.fr/Pleinement-moi-... ► My website: clairestride.fr ► My latest book: My child is high potential and ultrasensitive: https://www.amazon.fr/Mon-enfant-haut... ► Facebook: / clairestridepm ► Instagram account: / claire_stride_atypique