Listen to world bestsellers in the telegram channel: https://bit.ly/3zRjTlu or LISTEN ON LITRES: https://www.litres.ru/18930498/?lfrom... An effective super-method for increasing personal efficiency! At all times, a huge number of people lost themselves, being in the "comfort zone". In it, as in the Bermuda Triangle, both youthful dreams and mature ambitions disappeared. Buying seats in the comfort zone, we watch with longing and envy the rushing life of successful people, sadly noticing how we lose the ability to develop and realize our potential. After listening to the audiobook, you will learn: - how to stop being afraid of changes in life; - how to get rid of bad habits and acquire useful ones; - where to start moving towards a new life. Audiobook - Getting out of your comfort zone is the first step towards yourself, towards becoming a person. What, how, why and why? The answers to all questions are in this audiobook.