===== Unique Link - https://flow.page/antonstones ===== - Let's talk about how to export Stems in Fl Studio. Stems are individual audio tracks that come from fl studio. Stems are often used for mixing. That's why it's important to know how to export them. :::::::IMPORTANT:::::::: INSTAGRAM ➜ https://bit.ly/AntonstonesInstalgramL... My Products ➜https://bit.ly/MeusCursosAntonstones :::::::Content:::::::: New Remix ➜ https://bit.ly/AstronomiaAntonStonesR... New Spotify Track ➜ https://bit.ly/HoldThemBack Subscribe to the Channel➜ https://bit.ly/AntonStonesYT :::::::Content :::::::: Template FL Studio 20 Free ➜ http://bit.ly/TemplateFLStudioCanal How to use Fl Studio Playlist ➜ http://bit.ly/ComoUsarFlStudio20 :::::::::Links:::::::::::: (Social) INSTAGRAM ➜ https://bit.ly/AntonstonesInstalgramL... SOUNDCLOUD ➜ http://bit.ly/AntonStonesSC SPOTIFY➜ http://bit.ly/AntonStonesSpotify