Today we are going to talk a little about the biological cycle / cycling. This process is very important before putting fish in the system. We need to create biology in the system. Bacterial colonies will form throughout the entire length of our system, which will be very important for water quality. Ammonia transformed into nitrite, nitrite transformed into nitrate. A job done by nitrifying bacteria. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Need products for your hydroponic garden? Meet the Bruno Palma Hidroponia store: Official store: https://www.brunopalmahidroponia.com.br/ Mercado Livre: https://www.lojabrunopalma.com.br/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Networks: Instagram: / brunopalmahidroponia Facebook: / brunopalmahidroponia Hydroponics Group: https://t.me/brunopalmahidroponia Aquaponics Group: https://t.me/brunopalmaaquaponia Email: [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bruno Palma Uses and Recommends: Hortivinyl - Hydroponics Profiles (47) 99932-6261 Maxiaço - Agricultural Greenhouses (54) 99267-9384 When contacting the Channel's partner companies, say that it was Bruno Palma's recommendation and get special attention and conditions !!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #Hydroponics #Hydroponic #Vegetable Garden