Hi! Seiiti Arata. So, you don't want to keep fooling yourself and believing that things could get better. You don't want to stay in an unhappy relationship anymore and you've decided to move on and seek what brings you satisfaction. If the relationship you're in today isn't bringing you satisfaction, you need to communicate what you've already decided internally. But you may have a lot of fears about how to communicate this without causing suffering, because you don't want to hurt the other person unnecessarily and you also don't want to go through intense suffering at the time of the breakup. This is the topic of our video today, which continues our conversation from last week about When to End a Relationship How to Say No: http://arata.se/comodizernao When to End a Relationship - http://arata.se/oi65 Official channel for contact (requests, questions, suggestions, support): http://arata.se/contato Subscribe YouTube: http://arata.se/ytport Facebook: http://arata.se/facebook LinkedIn: http://arata.se/linkedin Instagram: http://arata.se/instagram Twitter: http://arata.se/twitter Pinterest: http://arata.se/pinterest