The encounter with the presence in the midst of man's pain. Val Gonçalves brings his testimony of life in the JesusCopy church and a message about the prophet Elijah in the cave... SUBSCRIBE TO THE JESUSCOPY CHANNEL https://bit.ly/Jesus_Copy 👉 You haven't seen this yet: ✔ Ariadna de Oliveira, Testimonies Impactful: • ARIADNA DE OLIVEIRA AND DOUGLAS GONÇALV... ✔ Juliano Son and Douglas Gonçalves: • JULIANO SON - JesusCopy Podcast #127 ✔ Luiz Herminio - The Prophetic Ministry: • LUIZ HERMINIO - JesusCopy Podcast #122 ✔ Thamires Garcia - My Testimony: • THAMIRES GARCIA (Second participation... ✔ Rodolfo Abrantes - The Reward: • RODOLFO ABRANTES - THE ENTRANCE REWARD... SUBSCRIBE TO THE JESUSCOPY CHANNEL 👍 https://bit.ly/Jesus_Copy ______________________________________ What is JesusCopy? We are a digital movement that exists to mobilize people to intelligently understand the Gospel that generates authentic copies of Jesus. #jesuscopy #evangelical preaching #preaching