???? LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... How to do SumIfs in Excel with Due Date, 1 and 2 criteria #ExcelenteJoão #Excel #Dashboard In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to use the sumifs function in the Excel spreadsheet, sumifs formula, add Excel dates, Excel due date, Excel due date alert, sales spreadsheet, inventory control spreadsheet, how to do the sumif function in Excel in practice step by step with practical examples, free Excel tutorial, how to add in Excel only some values that meet a criterion, how to add in Excel only what is equal to a condition, sumif formula with 1 criterion, sumif with more than one criterion, sumif with multiple criteria in Excel, Excel tutorial to save time in your day to day.