???? Sign up for my singing course, Soltar a Voz, by accessing this link: https://comocantar.com.br/videos-yout... How to find your so-called HEAD VOICE? You've probably heard a lot about head voice, right? If you haven't managed to find your head voice yet, today you will. Oh, you will! Watch until the end if you really want to know how to do head voice and falsetto. In vocal pedagogy, many years ago, there was a lot of talk about vocal registers such as chest voice, head voice, falsetto, etc. Today, in current pedagogy, it is no longer used to divide these registers, but I won't go into that now because I just want you to understand and know how to activate this head voice mechanism, so that you can have a greater vocal range and reach higher notes. When we use head voice, our vocal folds have, let's say, less mass, less density, that is, they are more elongated and less plump, unlike the so-called chest voice. Well, why do you have to learn to use this register or should you learn to use it? So that you don't have difficulty hitting higher notes and don't hurt yourself by using muscles that aren't suited for this purpose. Usually, a singer who can't do head voice is one who sings from low to high only in one register, such as chest voice, and who often ends up feeling a lump and tightness in the throat, pain and straining to the point of hurting himself. This only happens when he doesn't change gear. What do you mean, gear, teacher? Example: It's necessary to change the gear of your phonatory machine, that is, change the gears and activate the muscles involved to make the high, medium and low notes. It depends on what you want. When a car is going at a higher speed, over 40 km and it asks you to change gear and you don't change and insist on staying in first gear, does that car start squealing, as we say, begging for the love of God for you to change gear because you're forcing the engine? It's the same thing with the voice. When you want to hit high notes, you need and must shift gears so as not to hurt yourself and that's what I'm going to teach you here in this video, going through two exercises. For both boys and girls. ♥️ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ????: https://www.youtube.com/c/glauciaquit... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like my fanpage: / soltaravoz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? WANT TO LEARN MORE? SEE ALSO THE VIDEOS BELOW ???? ▶️ HOW TO GET YOUR VOICE OUT OF YOUR THROAT • HOW TO GET YOUR VOICE OUT OF YOUR THROAT - VIDEO... ▶️ YOUR BEAUTIFUL VOICE IN 3 MINUTES - • ???? YOUR BEAUTIFUL VOICE IN 3 MINUTES - How to... ▶️ VOICE IN THE THROAT - • VOICE IN THE THROAT - How to get my v... ▶️ BELTING - HOW TO PERFORM THIS VOCAL TECHNIQUE • BELTING - how to perform this technique ... ▶️ HIGH NOTES - Singing class to sing high notes • HIGH NOTES - Singing class to sing... ▶️ POWER IN THE VOICE - Exercise • POWER IN THE VOICE - Exercise to pow... ▶️ SOFT VOICE - How to have a softer voice? • SOFT VOICE - how to have a more your own voice... ▶️HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR VOICE TIMBRE • SINGING LESSON - How to improve your timb... ▶️HOW TO MAKE MELISMAS - 3 TIPS • MELISMA - Tip for beginner singers... ▶️HOW TO ALWAYS HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VOICE • How to have a beautiful voice? Singing Lesson... ▶️HOW TO MAKE HEAD VOICE • How to Make Head Voice - How to sing ▶️VOICE FAILED, BE CAREFUL • Voice failing, be careful with that! ▶️WHAT IS THE RIGHT TONE? • HOW TO SING IN THE IDEAL TONE FOR MY V...